POLL: Biden’s Support Among Women Drops After He Denies Sexual Assault Allegations

by Chris White


Former Vice President Joe Biden’s favorability rating is dropping among women amid an increase in media coverage of Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations, a national poll found Tuesday.

Biden’s net favorability rating among women slid 6 points since April, leaving the former vice president with a 44% positive and 46% negative rating, according to a Morning Consult poll published Tuesday.

The survey is the first time Morning Consult has shown the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee underwater among women.

The poll, conducted between May 4 and May 10, surveyed 27,754 people online as the media began ramping up stories on Reade’s accusations. The survey also has a 1 percentage point margin of error.

Reade accused the former vice president of sexually assaulting her when she was Biden’s Senate aide in 1993. Several witnesses began corroborating her allegations on April, 2425 and 27.

Reade’s mother, her brother, her close friend, her former neighbor and her former coworker have all corroborated details of her story. Biden, for his part, denied the accusations, telling MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski on May 1 that “it never, never happened.”

Despite the negative numbers, women still supported Biden over President Donald Trump by 8 points in the poll.

The poll also found Biden losing steam among voters in general as he pulls in 45% support nationally, against 42% for Trump. Morning Consult conducted a similar poll in mid-April that found the former vice president ahead by 8 points.

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Chris White is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.








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One Thought to “POLL: Biden’s Support Among Women Drops After He Denies Sexual Assault Allegations”

  1. Sim

    In almost every little town across America there is a “Recruiting Office” of an organization hell-bent on destroying America.

    The leaders of this organization despise the Constitution and the enumeration of powers it places on them.

    Whenever they are in office, it is a constant stream of illegal rules and legislation limiting or restricting the Bill of Rights,

    or using their office in some illegal manner to spy on citizens in order to further their goal.

    This organization disdain for honesty and the Rule of law is evidence of a tyrannical mindset.

    This organization would replace our capitalist system with a Socialist system of economic,

    and remove all borders and restrictions on immigration, and on voting rights, plus any national identity as “Americans”.

    Given the opportunity, this organization would submit our government to the Supremacy of the One World Government and international court system.

    Completely and totally eliminating our citizen’s power over government.

    This organization has a proven history of showing no regards for human life,

    Approving even the birth of a child left to die without any care, as was done in China.

    A whole Generation of Children murdered, 55 million, and still counting.

    How can any American support such an evil organization, especially after having taken an oath to defend the Constitution???

    This organization changed its name from the “Klu Klux Klan” to the “DEMOCRAT PARTY”,

    But the “Hate and Evil” of the KKK is still in the “Heart of the party”.

    In my opinion, a person can not be an “American”, “Defender of the Constitution”, “Christian” or even a decent Human

    and a supporter of the “Democrat Party”.
